1: I had my last ever exam and thus my last time having to wear my school uniform!
2: Ended up going a tad overboard with Glasto shopping - 6 bags of food alone...
3: It's not Glasto if you don't end up with major hay fever and covered in Glitter!
4 and 6: Some of the photos of the stages I took were stunning so I just had to put them in!
5: Me and Rebecca were reunited with our best friend Antonia and had to take a selfie to prove it of course
7: On our last night, we trecked up to the Glastonbury sign and it looked so pretty all lit up!
8: I met up with my little brother who went with family friends to watch his guitar teacher play a set
9: I never did figure out what the big tower was or what it did, but it sure was pretty and a good landmark!